Justin, young man in his 20s seated in power wheelchair with big smile, ramp behind to a stage in the MN Capitol Rotunda
Advocacy, Political

Time to Testify

Remember how I mentioned that there is legislation being introduced at the State of MN to make improvements to the Consumer Directed Community Services (CDCS) program? The first hearing in the House Human Services Policy Committee is at 1:00 on Tuesday, 3/19/2024, and I am excited to testify in support of this bill. This issue is so important for my being able to use the self-directed services to live independently. Hope you can be there or provide written testimony to the committee or your legislators in support of House File 4568 and Senate File 4420. Committee information about hearing and submitting written testimony (House.mn.gov website)

My testimony

I am here in support of House File 4568 and Senate File 4420.

I am in my mid-twenties and moved into my own apartment 2 years ago. It took a long time to find a wheelchair accessible apartment and even longer to receive a housing voucher to make my apartment affordable. I now struggle with what I think is my biggest hurdle of all: how can I live the independent life I want using CDCS?  I have been using CDCS with a developmental disability waiver since I was about 3 years old and it offers me the most self-directed option for services. This is what the Olmstead Plan is all about. Sounds great, right?

Nope, because my current budget doesn’t cover the 24-hour awake care that I need, unless I pay people about $11/hour. Can’t do that. This means that my parents get to provide a lot of unpaid care. It also means, that I have to spend a lot of weekends at my family home, instead of my apartment. Not exactly what I had in mind for independent living.

I would like to ask a question because I simply do not understand. Why does the budget not cover the basic level of staffing I need at the union-negotiated pay rates? I live on my own and need staff to give me drinks, feed me, shower and dress me, and help me with all of my personal cares. They help me do the things I need and love to do in my community. Most of my budget goes to staffing with a little bit to help cover expenses not covered by Medical Assistance, like assistive technology to use my computer.

Time for some math. $25 an hour covers the enhanced rate for my employees, fees and taxes. Multiply that by 24 hours a day times 365 days a year. That’s around $220,000 a year. My budget is 62% of that or $137,000 a year. Reimbursement rates for the state if I switch to more traditional provider services or a group home would be well over $300,000 a year.

Funding CDCS budgets so they’re a viable, equitable alternative for those of us who choose this self-directed option might sound like too much money. If I switch away from CDCS, like many adults with disabilities are forced to do, I will have less flexibility, fewer choices, and it will cost the state far more. I’m hoping that legislation will help fix this. Let’s close the barriers to self-directed options. Thank you.

Back of Justin seated in his wheelchair, buttons on the back of his chair say Vote and Treat People Like People, monitor shows senate committee room

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